Games for mobile platforms
PRSC Games is a gaming indy-studio founded in 2020. We create a first large-scale project for mobile platforms.
Immerse in a virulent future world
Game World

12 million years passed from times when mankind first put foot into space. In future world control over production & research is main value of those powerful ones. This is the reason 86,000 galaxies within Laniakea supercluster are overwhelmed by billions of Objects related to production, energy, research, and other types.

No more wars & conflicts, no bloody human massacres humanity used to. A hidden struggle for Objects everywhere instead. All Objects related to production & support are in star orbits. Fate of all planets today is just to vanish turning into materials needed for processing Objects.

This war you enter is not about bloody destruction anymore but a fierce struggle for control!

Grade transportation gate
Deka level: 1–11 Difficulty: Easy Capture time: 1-2 hours
Energy cells assembly plant
Deka level: 3–15 Difficulty: Medium Capture time: 2-3 hours
Silicate refinery
Deka level: 6–20 Difficulty: Hard Capture time: 2-4 hours
Game Maps
Game Map #1
Game Map #2
Game Map #3

You are to fight against defenders of Objects - Deka. Deka is an extra special ship built for combat ops inside Objects. Each Deka carries a set of warships aboard, which are engaged in battle.

Deka needs a connected "pilot" to be operated with. It is an AI that directly links to decision-making system. You are this AI to play for.

Each Deka is allocated according to Formations that define ship’s hull appearance, set of ships inside Deka as well as Objects where Deka moors.

40+ various Deka NPCs
Ships & Battles

In-battle ships are launched from Deka when needed energy accumulates. While Deka itself is not involved in battle.

During battle, ships act independently. However, player can change sequence of their appearance on battlefield. By moving out ships that were not initially planned to appear on battlefield player can totally change battle course.

Ships differ from each in characteristics set by Ship Systems ("abilities") and attack radius. Much depends on attack radius that is presented in three different versions:

Features 50% of basic attack damage is done along nearest R3 enemy ships.
Close combat
Features Causes +15% damage to R1 ships.
Long-range combat
Features Causes +15% damage to R2 ships that are a priority target.
50 unique ships
Core Gameplay
Compile a unique set of ships for your own Deka considering enemy pros & cons.
Core Gameplay #1
Defeat strongest opponents mixing tactics while in battle.
Core Gameplay #2
Get extra ships & resources to upgrade your ships.
Core Gameplay #3

We are a small but friendly & worked-well team of game designers, programmers, 3D artists, UI artists, testers who are dying hard to follow through. Although, strategy genre is not an easiest one for first game developed by young team. No one said that it would be easy, though.

We hope that total result & positive gamers’ reaction will pay off thousands of hours dedicated to hard work. Go, PRSC Games!

Contact Us
Dubai Silicon Oasis, DDP, Building A1, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
IFZA Business Park, DDP
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Last updated: February 03, 2023